Reconnections 2015

It’s been a while since I last saw some old faces from high school, at least since the last time we had had a get-together. If I’m not mistaken, the last had been, what? Bonifacio Day Weekend 2010 or some time later on? Thus, it was really nice that a few of us have managed to have this happen less than a week ago, with the planning stages and everything done in less than two days before the night we would see each other, culminating on Rizal Day.

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Oblast from a Not-so Distant Past

Sometimes, one’s past has a way of resurfacing itself as paths overlap in the crossroads of fate. Such  was the case a couple of weeks ago when I passed by someone I thought I would never expect myself to see ever again.

Back in the day, I had an argument with someone who I once trusted and regarded to as a friend. The argument came as a result of a line being crossed of which I could never forgive him for. While it’s not the kind of argument where we would yell at each other, it was more of “You crossed me so you’re dead to me!” kind of argument. I simply approached him, gave him a piece of my mind in a whisper and then…

BAM! Friendship’s over.

I never meant to do the way that I did but the circumstances left me with no other choice. And the person in question, it seems to me, did not get the message. Basically, there’s always a time and place for everything but when you do or say something that is, not just ill-timed but also out of line, then you shouldn’t even wonder why we’re in this situation in the first place.

Fast forward to today: I was at an overpass on my way to the nearest bus stop. And out of the blue, I saw a familiar figure, carrying a heavy handbag on one hand. Inside my mind,  was panicking and hyperventilating at the sight of the last person I’d expect to see. But on the surface, I was calm, cool and collected.

I took a quick glance to make sure that who I’m seeing is exactly who I’m seeing. I was wearing my contacts at the time so I was hoping I wouldn’t get recognised. Eventually, our paths crossed and I’m not exactly what happened but I could have sworn he also stole a quick glance, probably thinking if I was a familiar person to him as well. I was also wearing earphones connected to my phone so my face really looked occupied but I was concentrated to that chanced sight.

That moment triggered all the memories coming back into the forefront, both the good and the bad. People around me may think I’m simply holding a grudge to a senseless issue but the issue itself is a very personal one, of which I have made it clear to the people I know.

Me and the one I once considered a friend left each other on bad terms and I don’t think we would ever resolve it anytime soon.

They say that time will heal old wounds, but I don’t think it would be the case for this now.

(Editor’s note: Written last October 25, 2015)

Shuffle: Rhythm of the City

Back when the latest in Top 40 music always hit the airwaves without the help of Youtube and iTunes, people would turn on the radio and listen to their favorite tunes, picking up every word in the lyrics to imagine a story being told by a narrator, from Madonna to Michael V. Shuffle somehow have managed recreate that kind of pre-millenial hobby into a visual art form of sorts.


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Cocoon: At the Crossroads of Change

Change is gradual as change is inevitable. Such a concept is interwoven to create a story of growing up and chasing life. That may have been what Cocoon turned itself into.

Unfortunately for me, I never had the privilege of checking out this exhibit’s opening night because of some uncontrollable circumstances that weekend so I decided to come by on its second and final day where it didn’t really fall short of what making every day of an MMA exhibit count.

A Life's Story

A Life’s Story


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